WRFT FMP Progress Review Published
Posted: Tuesday 11 December, 2012 @ 11:41:48
In 2009, Wester Ross Fisheries Trust published a Fisheries Management Plan which set out a series of aims and objectives for the conservation, restoration and management of fisheries within the Wester Ross Fisheries Trust area, and priorites for the work of the Trust.
As a summary of progress and to set future priorities for the Trust, a document has been prepared which can found on the WRFT Fisheries Management Plan downloads page of this website, or by clicking here.
As always we are very happy to hear from members and supporters and to receive any comments about our work and plans for future activities. Please contact WRFT at info@wrft.org.uk.
Thank you to everyone who has helped and supported WRFT over the past few years and to the Scottish Government via RAFTS for supporting production of this document.