Sea trout, breeding terns and mink review evening
Posted: Sunday 29 June, 2014 @ 08:57:39
Tuesday 1st July, 7pm, WRFT Office, Harbour Centre, Gairloch.
This informal evening meeting will provide an opportunity to find out more about the on-going WRFT sea trout sampling programme, an update on breeding terns and more information about the Scottish Mink Initiative and the mink monitoring and control programme in the Wester Ross area.
Peter Cunningham will report on progress monitoring sea trout in local waters (and other fishy matters); we'll hear a bit more about local tern colonies; and SMI project officer Ann-Marie MacMaster will be able to answer questions about the mink programme elsewhere in Scotland.
Please contact Peter 01445 712 899 / 07786 836 003 if you would like to come along.