Sea lice review meeting: 16th April '09, Gairloch
Posted: Monday 23 February, 2009 @ 11:42:26
This annual pre-season meeting was set up several years ago by WRFT in the Ullapool area to present and discuss the results of sea lice monitoring and agree a programme of monitoring with all interested parties over the coming season. In 2008, the meeting was hosted by Wester Ross Fisheries. This year the meeting will take place on the 16th of April from 10am (for 10:30 start) – 1pm [PLEASE NOTE EARLIER START TIME than on previous item] in Gairloch Community Hall. All stakeholders are invited, including representatives of wild fisheries and fish farms. The meeting focuses on what we know and don’t know about sea lice, using any available data that participants wish to contribute.
The aim of the meeting is to progress an understanding of sea lice, including interactions between wild fish populations and farmed fish, and agree any additional monitoring and surveillance work that needs to be carried out and who can/will assist. Speakers from Fisheries Research Services (FRS) have been invited. Please return to this site in next day or two for full programme. The meeting is open to members of AMGs who may wish to report from their AMA areas and anyone else with an interest in learning more about sea lice. Lunch will be provided (small donation to WRFT requested). This year’s meeting will be supported by TWG and The Scottish Government (via RAFTS).
Please find the agenda for this meeting under meeting agendas in the downloads section of this website.
Attendance by prior arrangement: please contact WRFT ( )for further information.
*The WWF Salmon Aquaculture Dialogue Technical Working Group's provide useful background information on aqualculture related issues. The Working Group Report on Sea lice, published in March 2009, can be found at and provides useful background information. Those attending the WRFT sea lice reveiw meeting may wish to view this report prior to the meeting.