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WRFT Annual Review May 2009 Published

Posted: Tuesday 19 May, 2009 @ 17:03:33

Th WRFT Review May 2009 can be found on the 'reports' page of the 'downloads section', or by clicking here.

The report includes the usual assessment of salmon and sea trout stocks within the area, a Tournaig trap report, a report on sea lice monitoring, Arctic charr discovery week 2008, a review of habitat work and Bruachaig stocking programme, a report from Bob Kindness on the River Carron screw trap project, and section on Education and Awareness, including report by Dr Lorna Brown on the Salmon in the Classroom project.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us with the Trust's work over the past year; we very much look forward to another busy field season and as always there will be plenty of opportunities for enthusiastic volunteers to join us in the field. Please contact the WRFT Biologist for further information, or if you would like your name added to or removed from our mailing list.