The aims of the trust are as follows:
- To conserve the genetic diversity and structure of wild fish populations and the habitats that support them within the WRFT area. The main species of fisheries importance are Atlantic salmon and Brown trout (including sea trout). Some river systems support several discrete populations of salmon or trout. Wester Ross is also a stronghold for arctic charr with at least 20 poorly known populations within the WRFT area.
- Fisheries are sustainably managed to maximise productivity. There is a need to ensure that stocks are not exploited to levels at which there are inadequate numbers of spawning fish. The 'catch and release' policy is a means of minimizing mortality, and has been recommended and adopted by many salmon and sea trout fisheries and some brown trout fisheries in the area.
- There are wider benefits for other wildlife, biodiversity, ecology and amenity of the area. Many other animals, including Otter, Black-throated diver, White-tailed eagle, Osprey, many smaller birds, and insects (including carrion beetles, and in-stream invertebrates) will benefit from increasing returns of salmon and sea trout. Habitat restoration activities and possible trials to restore stream fertility should not adversely affect other vulnerable species, such as Freshwater pearl mussels.
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