The River Ewe is the largest salmon and sea trout river system within the area. Angling traditions on the Ewe go back to the late 1700s; by the start of the 19th Century its reputation was without peer [1]. In 1852, Osgood Mackenzie caught 30 salmon up to 27.5lb when only 10 years of age [2]; in earlier days catches were even more prolific in the River Ewe when cruives held back the fish in pools where they could easily be netted; Calderwood notes that three cobble-fulls of salmon were taken in a single sweep of the net in the 1830s.
Net fisheries
Net fisheries for salmon operated at many locations along the WRFT area coastline, and took many thousands of salmon per year. G-S [1] quotes catches of salmon and grilse taken at bag net stations at Gairloch and Torridon which averaged between 4,500 and 6,000 salmon and grilse per year during this period. Former employees tell stories of "bottle" fish; for every 100 salmon taken in a day, they would be awarded a bottle of whisky. As recently as 1993, over 3000 salmon were taken in a year at Red Point netting station alone. The following year, 1673 "wild" salmon were taken in a season at Redpoint and an additional 405 fish recorded as "escaped farm salmon". The Red Point Netting station operated until 2000 when catches were so poor that it was economically non-viable. The station operated briefly again in 2004 but has since been abandoned and the building has lost its roof.
Other netting stations that were operated into the 1990s around the WRFT area were the Laide netting station by Gruinard Bay (maximum catch of 2,880 salmon in 1971, minimum 239 salmon in 1990) which was closed in 1992 and the Bad an Tarbert netting station at Achiltibuie which operated until 1998.
In living memory, "lorry loads" of salmon are said to have been taken in nets at Glenelg; declared catches for some years in 1970s show in excess of 1000 salmon taken. Many of these fish may have been destined for rivers further south: the Kyle Rhea narrows nearby is an obvious bottleneck for migrating salmon returning to the rivers of Lochaber and Argyll. The only legal netting station operated in the past two years is in Loch Long (near Loch Duich). In addition to legal netting, there is a long history of illegal netting of salmon, usually of the "one for the pot" for local people sort. Plenty of local anecdotes about that after a dram or two!!
Rod fisheries
There are at least 22 rivers in the Wester Ross area where anglers have targeted and taken salmon within the past 20 years. Several rivers have regularly exceeded 200 rod caught salmon in a season; the River Ewe, Gruinard River and River Carron have traditionally had the highest catch totals. Most salmon are taken during the summer months; in the past several rivers also had substantial spring fisheries for salmon. Currently, all river systems have a "catch and release" policy in place for salmon and sea trout, and the great majority of rod caught fish are returned.
- Graham-Stewart (2005), The Salmon Rivers of the North Highlands and the Outer Hebrides. Robert Hale Ltd, London. ISBN 0 7090 7589 8
- Mackenzie, O.H. (1921), A Hundred Years in the Highlands. Paperback edition, 1995, Birlinn).
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