Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Between June and September each year, many hundreds of adult salmon return from the North Atlantic underneath the road bridge at Poolewe and swim up the River Ewe into Loch Maree.
Many of the salmon are 'grilse' which have been at sea for little more than one year. Larger salmon may have spent two or more winters at sea. In late autumn, salmon run upstream to lay their eggs in river gravels. Many salmon die after spawning and their carcasses are eaten by otters, foxes or other animals. Young salmon hatch in the spring, and are know as 'fry' in their first summer, as 'parr' in their 2nd and 3rd years before turning silver when they are known as 'smolts' and migrating downstream into the sea and on towards arctic feeding grounds.
WRFT has found juvenile Atlantic salmon in 30 river systems within the WRFT area. Salmon are the most important species for fisheries. The Little Gruinard River has been designated under the EU Habitats and Species directive as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) for Atlantic salmon.
Salmon Gallery
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WRFT Review January 2015
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Tournaig Trap adult salmon sex ratio report, October 2012
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Little Gruinard FMP April 2011 Part 6
Little Gruinard River FMP April 2011 Part 6. Posted: 03/02/2011 (5.04MB) -
Little Gruinard FMP April 2011 Part 1 & 2
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Escaped farm salmon and wild salmon at Dundonnell, October 2009
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Scale of Dundonnell River salmon 22 October 2008
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Six Tournaig grilse taken in October 2008 (Ben Rushbrooke)
Six grilse taken in the upstream trap at Tournaig on 9th & 10th October 2008. Posted: 10/10/2008 (918KB) -
Little Gruinard juvenile fish assessment 2006 report
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Land Use and Salmon Smolt Production in Wester Ross
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Otters and Salmon carcasses study 2002
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Soils, Ecosystem Fertility & Salmon Smolt Production in Wester Ross
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