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Fertility and food availability

Stonefly larvae and mayfly larvae

Stonefly larvae (2 tails) and mayfly larvae (3 tails) live in well oxygenated streams and are eaten by trout and juvenile salmon

Habitat fertility and the availability of food are key factors which determine the productivity of most fish populations in Wester Ross. Across much of Wester Ross, biological production is limited by the availability of nutrients, particularly phosphorus. Rainwater contains little phosphorus; the rocks underlying many of the river catchment areas of Wester Ross rivers yield very little phosphorus. The fertility of the land and waters that flow from the land is therefore largely determined by the ecosystem and by anthropogenic influences.

Much of Wester Ross has been heavily grazed by cattle, sheep and deer over hundreds of years. Removal of livestock and deer carcasses from catchment areas represents a net export of nutrients that under more natural ecosystem conditions have become available to aquatic life. Formerly there were also more people living in headwater areas, contributing to nutrient recycling in a semi-natural way. In terms of nutrient cycling, people, in the past, were a part of the ecosystem.

Baile mor Woodland

Trout lochs in the new woodland

Trout lochs in the new woodland

By reducing grazing pressures, planting trees and applying fertilizer, soils are given a chance to recover. The largest WGS in Scotland, the Baile mor Woodland established by Gairloch Estate, is located between Gairloch and Loch Maree. There are trout lochs in the new woodland and these may become more productive as the trees become established.

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