Sea louse (Lepeopheirus salmonis) epizootics
The sea louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis is a natural parasite of salmon and sea trout. The natural host - parasite ecology of sea trout with the sea louse Lepeopheirus salmonis is finely balanced. Even prior to the onset of salmon farming, sea trout with 10 or more attached lice were commonly seen around the coasts. However, from the late 1980s much higher levels of lice infestation were found on sea trout, especially in areas adjacent to salmon farms.
WRFT has investigated the sea lice problem from 1996. Since the year 2000, early returned sea trout carrying high burdens of sea lice were recorded in the River Ewe at Poolewe and elsewehre 2001, 2003 and 2007.
WRFT fully supports the Area Management Agreement programme whereby management targets are set control sea lice on fish farms to levels at which problems for wild sea trout in surrounding waters do not occur. On-farm lice levels have improved significantly since 2000, particularly with use of the in-feed pesticide SLICE (Emamectin benzoate). However, due to the very large numbers of salmon held at fish farms, even small numbers of ovigerous lice per fish may lead to production of larval at levels one or two orders of magnitude greater than from natural sources alone. Weather and sea conditions can conspire to create problems for wild fish.
If sea trout populations such as that of Loch Maree and the important fisheries they supported (relative to other local fisheries) are to recover, a solution to the sea lice problem is prerequisite; and of highest priority.
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Loch Torridon Sea trout report 2015
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WRFT Sea trout monitoring report 2009 - spring 2011
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Wester Ross Sea Trout Scale Catalogue April 2011
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Sea trout 315mm River Ewe 20 June 2007
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WRFT Sea lice monitoring review 2007 and 2008
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