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Escaped farm salmon

An escaped farm salmon

An escaped farm salmon - note the shape of the tail and fins (Ben Rushbrooke)

Escaped farm salmon have been recorded in WRFT rivers for almost 20 years. During the early 1990s, progeny of escaped female farm salmon were recorded in many of the rivers in the area demonstrating that female farmed salmon had successfully spawned.

Escapes of salmon from farms around Wester Ross are reported most years. In 2007, 24,000 salmon were reported to have escaped from a farm in Loch Ewe; within the same area 25,000 salmon escaped from nearby farms in 2003.

WRFT has monitored numbers of escaped farm salmon smolts leaving Loch Damh in 2000 and carried out studies of escaped farm smolts in Loch Tollie in 1999 and records escaped farm salmon in fish trap catches and through fish scale reading.

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