The extent to which fish of non-native origin are able to establish new viable populations varies. In recent years, the spread of minnows within the WRFT area demonstrates how easily some species are able to colonise new habitat. Generally, however, stocked fish of a particular species will be out-competed by a native population which has become adapted to the particular environmental parameters in which it lives.
Some angling clubs still buy in trout from fish hatcheries out with the area to stock their local waters. The risks of introducing new parasites (e.g. Argulus) or diseases to stocked waters are also poorly understood.
In the past salmon of non-native origin were also stocked into rivers in Wester Ross. However, this practice has no ceased within the area. To the knowledge of the WRFT biologist, all salmon currently used for stocking are now of native origin.
Rivers where non-native salmon have been stocked historically include the Kanaird & Ullapool rivers (both with Kyle of Sutherland origin fish) and the Arnisdale (North Esk salmon).
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WRFT FMP 2009+ Summary
WRFT Fisheries Management Plan 2009+ Summary and Contents page. Posted: 25/02/2009 (4.06MB)