Parasites & diseases
The primary parasite issue in the WRFT area concerns epizootics of sea lice (Lepeophetheirus salmonis) affecting sea trout.
However, other health problems have affected fish: during the 1970s Ulcerative Dermal Necrosis (UDN) affected salmon and sea trout in many rivers within the area. In 2007, many salmon especially grilse had red vent syndrome. Investigations elsewhere indicated nematode worms to be present in affected fish.
Farm fish in Loch Damh were reported to be infected with the viral disease Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis (IPN) on several occasions until the disease was removed from the 'notifiable' diseases list (in 200x). The disease can cause high mortality of farmed salmon smolts following transfer to saltwater. Little information has been seen describing rates of direct (or indirect) mortality of wild salmon or sea trout smolts that carry the virus following entry to saltwater.
WRFT has assisted FRS Fish Health inspectors in collecting samples of salmon parr from the Dundonnell River, Docherty Burn (River Ewe), River Croe and River Elchaig in recent years. Reports obtained have all indicated that no bacterial or viral diseases were detected.
In freshwater, Brown trout are often infected with nematode worms and tape worms. In 2003, WRFT concluded that a principle factor for a lack of larger brown trout in Lochan nam Breac near Gairloch was parasitic infection leading to premature mortality of trout, associated with the seagulls which are attracted to a nearby waste disposal area.
The WRASFB has distributed leaflets and notices wildly within the area it covers warning anglers to take care not to introduce Gyrodactylus salaris. WRFT has distributed information to river areas to the south of the WRASFB area.
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