Living Lochs
In 2009 the Trust teamed up with the Science Department of Gairloch High School to deliver a project studying the ecology of lochs and rivers with the First Year Pupils.
The project is similar to that offered to the Primary schools under the "Life in Lochans" project; however it has been further developed to appeal to the older pupils and support curriculum targets. Each group chooses an animal group, such as fish, mammals or invertebrates to study and creates a work plan for the fieldtrip. All pupils get a chance to participate in surveying for all species but each team is responsible for both the equipment and for record sheets for their own particular animal group.
"Life in Lochans" and "Living Lochs" have been funded with project grants from the Wester Ross Environment Network [WREN], SNH, The Royal Society and the Scottish Government via RAFTS.
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Award for Educational Projects
WRFT has received an award, from the Highland Council, for its educational projects in both primary and secondary schools in Wester Ross. Posted: 29/12/2010 (569KB)