Science Saving Sea Trout
Education and raising awareness have always been regarded as a vital part of the WRFT's work programme. In 1997, WRFT won an award from the Millennium Commission to give a series of presentations under the project title "Science Saving Sea Trout". This project was a joint initiative with Scottish Government scientists at the Fisheries Research Services [now Marine Scotland] "Shieldaig Sea trout Project" and local primary schools. The first WRFT Biologist, Dr James Butler, subsequently gave talks to school pupils at schools throughout the WRFT area and beyond.
WRFT has continued to work closely with Marine Scotland's staff. The Marine Scotland Shieldaig Sea trout project visitor centre by Loch Torridon has a series of displays describing the life cycle and ecology of sea trout and research projects being carried out to support the recovery of local stocks.
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Award for Educational Projects
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