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  • Herring spawn found on maerl gravel ridges in March 2024 to NW of Gairloch
    This report describes a herring spawning event and subsequent discovery of herring eggs on maerl gravel ridges on the seabed to the west of Aultgrishan and North Erradale in March 2024. The report is illustrated with photographs of the sea to show turquoise water areas when herring were spawning, and subsequently of the seabed with herring spawn. .  Posted: 21/03/2024 (2.54MB)
  • Applecross sea trout monitoring report for 2023
    Sea trout sea lice monitoring report to inform the Caol Mor (East of Skye) Environment Management Plan [EMP] for MOWI, Wester Ross Area Salmon Fisheries Board, The Highland Council and The Scottish Government (in place of Skye District Salmon Fisheries Board). .  Posted: 27/02/2024 (2.70MB)
  • Juvenile salmon production and nutrition in Wester Ross 2023
    This report summarises the results of the juvenile salmon survey in Wester Ross in summer and early autumn, 2023. The report focusses on contrasting the size and biomass of juvenile salmon at different sites. There was much variation in growth; some sites had high densities of larger parr; at other sites parr were small and thin. Important missing food items for parr at some sites may include caddis fly larvae, terrestrial insects, and surplus washed-out salmon eggs which in some rivers may have been of crucial importance for pre-smolt salmon parr. Is it time to provide supplementary food for juvenile salmon in some rivers? .  Posted: 05/02/2024 (1.65MB)
  • Status of Juvenile Wild Salmon in Wester Ross Northwest Scotland 2022
    This report provides a summary of the results of the 2021 juvenile fish survey in the Wester Ross area, and discusses findings and associated issues relating to the conservation and management of important wild salmon populations in the northwest of Scotland .  Posted: 01/02/2022 (5.70MB)
  • Badachro smolt trap 2021 article
    Article about the River Badachro salmon smolts from trapping study in April - May 2021. The study was supported by the Atlantic Salmon Trust in partnership with Fisheries Management Scotland and Marine Scotland Science. .  Posted: 27/06/2021 (1.38MB)
  • Recaptured Gairloch sea trout April 2021
    Photographs of a sea trout caught in September 2019 and then again in April 2021 in the Flowerdale estuary, Loch Gairloch by the Wester Ross Fisheries Trust sweep netting team. .  Posted: 01/06/2021 (562KB)
  • River Carron Fishery Management Plan 2004-2008
    This report describes the River Carron (Wester Ross) and its fisheries, presents an assessment of habitat and pressures affecting juvenile salmon and trout production, and presents recommendations for management. .  Posted: 22/01/2020 (7.04MB)
  • Spring spawning herring recorded on video to west of Red Point
    This article describes some of the events during March 2019 when Andy Jackson of SubseaTV was able to record on video herring spawning near Loch Gairloch in Wester Ross. The video was broadcast on BBC Blue Planet UK on 29th March 2019. .  Posted: 29/03/2019 (1.04MB)
  • Gairloch An Dun headland snorkel trail draft leaflet
    This document provides some pictures from video surveys and other information about some of the fish and other animals that can sometimes be seen by snorkellers around the An Dun snorkel trail. .  Posted: 22/06/2018 (2.19MB)
  • Spring Spawning Herring Rediscovered
    Posted: 28/03/2018 (105KB)
  • Report from wrasse protection areas discussion meeting
    Report from a meeting in Ullapool on 4th May 2017 to discuss a proposed voluntary network of protection areas for wild wrasse (Ballan wrasse, Corkwing wrasse, Goldsinny wrasse, Cuckoo wrasse and Rock cook) within the Wester Ross Marine Protected Area. .  Posted: 25/05/2017 (724KB)
  • Sandeels & sea birds to the west of Melvaig, May 2017
    Sandeels are an important source of food for sea trout and sea birds. This series of video screenshots shows razorbills, guillemots and gulls feeding on a sandeel bait ball to the west of Melvaig on 13th May 2017. Picture have been slightly colour enhanced, and were recorded on a GoPro Hero3 camera. .  Posted: 17/05/2017 (1.74MB)
  • Sea trout sample, Loch Gairloch, 27th April 2017
    Summary report from sweep netting of sea trout in Flowerdale estuary, Loch Gairloch on 27th April 2017. 32 sea trout were caught, with an estimated average lice burden of 98 lice per fish. .  Posted: 01/05/2017 (1.85MB)
  • Loch Torridon Sea trout report 2015
    This report presents some of the results of investigations to gather information about sea trout around the Loch Torridon area in 2015 following reports of exceptionally high concentrations of parasitic sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) on salmon farms within the area during the first six months of 2015 . Sea trout were sampled by Wester Ross Fisheries Trust during the period May-July 2015 using sweep netting, rod and line and electro-fishing. In October and early November 2015 a fyke net trap was operated in a tributary of the River Torridon to learn more about the spawning population of trout within that river system.  Posted: 05/01/2016 (7.75MB)
  • Of small fry and big fry
    This short report illustrates how the growth of wild salmon fry can vary in Wester Ross even within a small river system.  Posted: 03/09/2013 (607KB)
  • Tournaig Trap adult salmon sex ratio report, October 2012
    The majority of adult salmon that have entered the upstream trap at Tournaig were female fish. This short report provides further information and graphs of catches.  Posted: 03/10/2012 (366KB)
  • Ullapool River Fisheries Management Plan 2006-2010
    This report published in March 2006 provides an outline of the following: catches of salmon and trout in the Ullapool Rivr, results of juvenile salmon and trout surveys within the catchment, an assessment of the freshwater habitat accessible to salmon and sea trout; management recommendations and options to restore the natural fisheries productivity of the Ullapool River system.  Posted: 11/09/2012 (4.62MB)
  • WRFT Review July 2012
    This is the latest 'annual review' which covers work carried out during the 2011 field seson, and includes sections on juvenile fish surveys, salmon catches, sea trout sampling (and sea lice), arctic charr, interviews with herring fishermen, and WRFT schools based project.  Posted: 04/07/2012 (1.83MB)
  • WRFT Wild Trout Monitoring Report for 2011
    This report presents the results of sea lice monitoring of sea trout in the sea around Wester Roiss and trout sampling in freshwater in 2011.  Posted: 17/04/2012 (8.90MB)
  • Salmon catches 2010 & 2011: three Wester Ross rivers compared
    This brief report compares and contrasts the sizes, timing and relative abundance of rod caught salmon taken in the Little Gruinard River, River Ewe and River Carron for years 2010 and 2011.  Posted: 02/02/2012 (134KB)
  • WRFT River Ewe Fisheries Report for 2010
    Posted: 28/11/2011 (5.09MB)
  • WRFT Review May 2011
    The WRFT Review May 2011 presents a summary of work carried out by the Trust over the financial year 2010 - 2011 and includes reports on the status of salmon and trout populations, trap projects, sea trout monitoring in the sea, the River Carron Restoration Project, education projects and much else.  Posted: 24/05/2011 (5.28MB)
  • WRFT Sea trout monitoring report 2009 - spring 2011
    Sea trout sampling in Wester Ross from 2009 to spring 2011. Includes results of sweep net sampling and links to scale reading catalogue.  Posted: 11/04/2011 (1.95MB)
  • Mekong dams threaten freshwater fish with extinction
    Why the WRFT biologist is particularly concerned about the future of spectacular endemic Mekong fishes in 10 pictures. With link to recently published WWF report.  Posted: 29/07/2010 (2.04MB)
  • WRFT Review May 2010
    This annual review present a summary of the work of the Trust over the year 2009 to 2010 including surveys of juvenile fish, sea trout in the sea, invasve non-native species, catch records, and a range of fisheries management and education projects.  Posted: 17/05/2010 (5.52MB)
  • WRFT sea lice monitoring Report 2007 - 2008
    Following a review of sea lice biology and ecology and past studies from a local context, this report presents the results of sea lice monitoring of wild sea trout in the WRFT area in 2007 and 2008 and considers associations with salmon farming.  Posted: 19/11/2009 (2.29MB)
  • WRFT Review May 2009
    Wester Ross Fisheries Trust Annual Review, May 2009.  Posted: 19/05/2009 (4.82MB)
  • Arctic charr in north-west Scotland: workshop report
    This report summaries presentations and discussion at the Arctic charr in north-west Scotland: conservation and management requirments workshop, held at the Loch Maree Hotel on 27th November 2008.  Posted: 09/01/2009 (320KB)
  • Mink survey paper by Game Conservancy
    Posted: 01/10/2008 (678KB)
  • Little Gruinard juvenile fish assessment 2006 report
    This illustrated report presents the results of the 2006 WRFT Little Gruinard electro-fishing survey. Relationships between juvenile salmon abundance and habitat characteristics are discussed. The natural production of juvenile salmon in this Special Area of Conservation (SAC) for Atlantic salmon could be strengthened through restoring levels of natural fertility within the Little Gruinard catchment area.  Posted: 22/09/2008 (964KB)
  • Dundonnell fyke net sea trout sea lice results 2008
    Spreadsheed with details of lice counts on sea trout taken in the Dundonnell fyke net in June and July 2008, operated by Eilean Darach Estate and Dundonnell Estate. many thanks to respective estates for permissions to post these results.  Posted: 10/09/2008 (74KB)
  • Ecosystem Fertility & Salmon Smolt Seminar November 2007
    This report is a compliation of summaries of presentations at the WRFT Ecosystem Fertility Seminar in Gairloch on 30th November, 2007.  Posted: 05/09/2008 (390KB)
  • Otters and Salmon carcasses study 2002
    The findings of a study to investigate levels of mortality of salmon along spawning streams and what happens to their carcasses are reported in this report to project sponsors, the Atlantic Salmon Trust.  Posted: 18/07/2008 (3.12MB)
  • WRFT Wild Trout Project Report 2006-07
    Posted: 24/06/2008 (1.24MB)
  • WRFT Review May 2006
    Posted: 24/06/2008 (2.36MB)
  • WRFT Review May 2007
    Posted: 24/06/2008 (1.80MB)
  • WRFT Review May 2008
    Posted: 24/06/2008 (2.75MB)