WRFT Annual Reviews
Wester Ross Fisheries Trust Annual Reveiws provide a summary of the work of the trust over the previous 12 months.
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WRFT Review April 2023
This review provides a summary of work carried out during the 2022 field season including juvenile fish surveys, adult salmon monitoring and sampling of sea trout around Wester Ross, and includes a report from the Wester Ross Area Salmon Fishery Board and other information. . Posted: 24/04/2023 (5.23MB) -
WRFT Review May 2016
This review covers the period February 2015 to April 2016, and presents summaries describing the status of wild fish populations, the results of sea trout and sea lice monitoring work including sea trout around the Loch Torridon area, a summary of the activities of the Skye Fisheries Trust, work to monitor and control invasive species, a section on education and student project and much else. Posted: 19/05/2016 (6.18MB) -
WRFT Review January 2015
This review covers an 18 month period from July 2013 to December 2014 (with Jan 2015 update from Wester Ross Area Salmon Fishery Board) and presents a summary of the results of fish juvenile fish surveys, sea trout and sea louse monitoring, fish farming related issues, surveys on the Isle of Skye, a Little Gruinard macro-invertebrate study, mink monitoring and other activities carried out by the Trust. Posted: 21/01/2015 (7.09MB) -
WRFT Review July 2013
This report summarises much of the work of WRFT over the period July 2012 to June 2013, including summaries of the results of juvenile fish surveys, sea lice monitoring and other work to adress problems and opportunities for the wild fisheries of the Wester Ross area. Posted: 05/08/2013 (5.54MB) -
WRFT Review July 2012
WRFT Review July 2012. Posted: 04/03/2013 (1.83MB) -
WRFT Review May 2011
WRFT Review May 2011. Posted: 04/03/2013 (5.28MB) -
WRFT Review May 2010
WRFT Review May 2010. Posted: 04/03/2013 (5.52MB) -
WRFT Review May 2009
WRFT Review May 2009. Posted: 04/03/2013 (4.82MB) -
WRFT Review May 2008
WRFT Review May 2008. Posted: 04/03/2013 (2.75MB) -
WRFT Annual Review 2007
WRFT Annual Review 2007. Posted: 04/03/2013 (1.80MB) -
WRFT Annual Review 2006
WRFT Annual Review 2006. Posted: 04/03/2013 (2.36MB)