Wester Ross MPA Discovery Day 14 October 2022
Presentations from the Wester Ross Marine Protected Area Discovery Day at the Macphail Centre on 14th October 2022
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Little Loch Broom BRUV Surveys 2022
Presentation by Dr Neil Hopkins and Dr Charlotte Hopkins describing animal movements in relation to seascapes and underwater habitats from baited underwater remote video survey of Gruinard Bay and Little Loch Broom in 2022, shown at Wester Ross MPA Discovery Day on 14th October 2022. Screenshots have been taken from video clips presented to illustrate animal diversity recorded. . Posted: 08/11/2022 (1.47MB) -
Wester Ross Marine Protected Area an introduction
Presentation by Nature Scot describing the history of the Wester Ross MPA, designation, protected features, management and monitoring, with links to further information. This presentation was delivered at the Wester Ross MPA Discovery Day on 14th October by Sue Pomeroy of Little Loch Broom Marine Life group. . Posted: 08/11/2022 (709KB) -
Herring Fisheries & West of Scotland Herring Hunt
Presentation by Dr Michelle Frost at the Wester Ross MPA Discovery Day in Ullapool on 14th October 2022. . Posted: 08/11/2022 (4.47MB) -
Maerl by Prof Jason Hall-Spencer
Maerl supports the whole web of life with 100s of species using it for spawning, nursery areas, hiding and feeding. This presentation by Prof Jason Hall-Spencer at Wester Ross MPA Discovery Day on 14th October explains why it is so important to protect maerl habitats. . Posted: 27/10/2022 (1.92MB) -
Finding Salmon and Sea trout around the Wester Ross MPA
This presentation by Peter Cunningham introduces the main wild salmon rivers that flow into the Wester Ross MPA and describes some of the issues, including infestation by sea lice from poorly regulated open cage salmon farms, which threaten wild salmon populations and sea trout within the Wester Ross area. Can the wild salmon populations around the Wester Ross MPA be given additional protection?. Posted: 27/10/2022 (11.01MB)