Torridon Good Ecological Status Workshop 23 April 2024
Presentations by Peter Cunningham from this workshop which took place at Loch Torridon Community Centre on 23rd April 2023.
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Still too many sea lice?
Presentation with summary of sea lice problems and results from sea trout sea lice monitoring by WRFT in 2023. Sea lice levels were too high on many sea trout at some sites. The risk of damaging levels of sea lice infestation to emigrating wild salmon post smolts through the Inner Sound may have also been too high. How many grilse will return to rivers in southwest Ross-shire compared to rivers in northwest Ross-shire in 2024? . Posted: 01/05/2024 (9.90MB) -
Malnourished salmon rivers? How important were salmon eggs as food for parr?
Presentation which considers the importance of salmon eggs as a food for pre-smolt salmon parr during the early winter. Is there a need to focus on ways of replacing this direct source of marine derived nutrition from adult salmon to juvenile salmon to help to mitigate for downward spiral of decline in numbers of adult salmon returning to oligotrophic rivers?. Posted: 01/05/2024 (7.42MB)