Catchment Vegetation Revival Meeting, Kinlochewe, 25th & 26th April 2023
This meeting took place over two days by Beinn Eighe NNR. The purpose of the meeting was to consider how rivers with salmon populations could be made more resliant in response to more intensive rainfall associated with climate change; and also to look more broadly at managing river catchment areas of Wester Ross area for carbon sequestration and biodiversity.
The speakers included those with much first hand practical experience of working in upland areas, including deer stalking and management, peatland restoration, woodland restoration and study of ecology. Delegates included representatives from regional Nature Scot and SEPA offices in addition to people who live and work in nearby areas.
Thank you to everyone who came on the field excursion up the Pony Path to visit Donald McVean's fertilised plots and look at hummocks on 25th April 2023 and to the workshop at Kinlochewe Village Hall on 26th April 2023.
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Leave the land better than we found it discussion notes 26 April 2023
Notes from discussion group on theme of 'how do we leave the land better than we found it?' at the Catchment Vegetation Workshop at Kinlochewe on 26th April 2023 . Posted: 02/05/2023 (219KB) -
Mycorrhiza discussion group notes 26 April 2023
Notes from mycorrhiza discussion group at Catchment Vegetation Workshop at Kinlochewe on on 26th April 2023 . Posted: 02/05/2023 (332KB) -
Rough guide to deer stalking by Alasdair Macdonald
This presentation by Alasdair Macdonald of Dundonnell estate discusses deer stalking and explains why some red deer carcasses may be left on the hill. Animals which are in poor condition and not fit for human consumption may be left on the hill for nutrient to be recycled. Bones and antlers are rich in valuable nutrients so best left on the hill. However once taken off the hill, regulations restrict the return of bones back on to the hill. . Posted: 02/05/2023 (1.26MB) -
Glen Torridon Partnership: a landscape-scale Nature Restoration Project by Malcolm Turner
Presentation by Malcolm Turner, of the Woodland Trust, about a pioneering landscape-scale approach to long term habitat restoration in the Glen Torridon area, using nature-based solutions with neighbouring landowners and local communities to create habitats that are resilient to climate change and where biodiversity can flourish. Issues include the need to protect and restore fragments of rainforest, including spread of invasive Rhododendron ponticum, monitoring or red deer and prevention of wild fires. Presented at Catchment Vegetation workshop, Kinlochewe 26th April 2023. Posted: 02/05/2023 (3.20MB) -
Affric Highland Initiative by Paul Greaves
Presentation by Paul Greaves from Trees for Life about 30-year project to scale up nature restoration for the future in support of local communities and businesses. With much background information describing the project area, the objectives, the people with whom the project works and the ways in which trees can be incorporated into the landscape with support from Trees for Life. Presented at Catchment Vegetation workshop, Kinlochewe 26th April 2023 . Posted: 02/05/2023 (9.08MB) -
Peatland restoration routes to success by Colin Morrison
Presentation by Colin Morrison of Angus Davidson Ltd. focussing on issues and challenges faced in degraded peatland areas, the Peatland Action process, and outcomes for carbon sequestration and biodiversity. Colin has much experience of developing and managing peatland restoration projects in the Wester Ross area and this presentation provides a very useful introduction to why, where and how. Presented at Catchment Vegetation workshop, Kinlochewe 26th April 2023. Posted: 02/05/2023 (1.88MB) -
Catchment vegetation, hummocks and wild salmon habitat resilience
Presentation by Peter Cunningham about project to protect salmon habitat in the Ullapool River focussing on restoration of vegetation and ecosystem fertility in the upper catchment (Glen Douchary) with examples of hummocks from other parts of Wester Ross and poster. From Catchment Vegetation Revival Workshop, Kinlochewe 26th April 2023. Posted: 02/05/2023 (23.52MB) -
Catchment vegetation workshop introduction and field trip report
Introduction to the WRFT Catchment Vegetation Revival meeting at Kinlochewe on 26th April 2023 and report from field trip to view hummocks and Donald McVean's fertilised plots by the Pony Path on Beinn Eighe NNR on 25th April 2023 by Dr Shraveena Venkatesh. Posted: 02/05/2023 (6.28MB)