Wester Ross Fisheries Trust
News Archive (Pre January 2023)
- Coastal fyke catches spotty cod (21/11/2022)
- Discovery Day opens window to diversity of habitats and wild fish within the Wester Ross MPA (09/11/2022)
- Wester Ross MPA Discovery Day, Ullapool, 14th October 2022 (23/09/2022)
- Giant salmon carp rediscovered after gap of 20 years (06/07/2022)
- Is blanket weed (filamentous algae) associated with nutrient-rich discharges smothering maerl beds within the Wester Ross MPA? (06/06/2022)
- Recently hatched herring larvae sampled by Gairloch (13/05/2022)
- WRFT Newsletter March 2022 published (11/03/2022)
- Important wild salmon populations in Wester Ross need additional protection (01/02/2022)
- Just four sea lice on 20 sea trout caught in the Kanaird estuary (30/06/2021)
- To what extent is loch habitat important for production of larger salmon smolts in the Badachro river? (27/06/2021)
- Are lice levels too high to safeguard wild salmon migrating through coastal waters around Wester Ross? (02/06/2021)
- ‘New’ Wester Ross Fisheries Trust supports revival of wild salmon and sea trout populations (14/04/2021)
- SWRFT Review September 2020 Published (24/09/2020)
- Wester Ross Wildfire Week to focus on learning from experience (18/02/2020)
- Sea trout carrying over 500 lice features on STV’s ‘Sean’s Scotland’ (13/06/2019)
- Gairloch herring spawn features on BBC Springwatch 2019 (13/06/2019)
- Kinlochewe workshop provides new information on wild trout diversity in the Loch Maree catchment area (28/05/2019)
- 2019 sweep netting season starts with sample of louse-infested sea trout in Loch Gairloch (22/04/2019)
- Wester Ross spring spawning herring feature on BBC Blue Planet UK (29/03/2019)
- Wild trout conservation and fisheries revival in Wester Ross and the Isle of Skye: time for rethink? (15/03/2019)
- Skye and Wester Ross Fisheries Trust Annual General Meeting 2018-19 (13/02/2019)
- SWRFT Newsletter February 2019 published (12/02/2019)
- Gairloch seashore & snorkel trail discovery day (22/06/2018)
- Opportunities to volunteer with the Skye and Wester Ross Fisheries Trust (17/05/2018)
- Spring spawning herring rediscovered to west of Gairloch (27/03/2018)
- Skye and Wester Ross Review February 2018 published (06/02/2018)
- Workshop highlights the potential benefits of woodlands for a diversity of other enterprises (26/07/2017)
- Loch Maree ghillies’ tales to be broadcast on Two Lochs Radio (29/05/2017)
- Knowledge remains inadequate to justify a network of voluntary protected areas for wild wrasse within the Wester Ross MPA (25/05/2017)
- Forthcoming workshop: Grazing, Trees and Trout (15/05/2017)
- Are sea birds heralding a sandeel summer around Wester Ross? (15/05/2017)
- 2017 sweep netting season starts with sample of louse-infested sea trout in Loch Gairloch (01/05/2017)
- Forthcoming evening meeting: Wild salmon and the rivers of Wester Ross (12/04/2017)
- Spring spawning herring to the west of Melvaig? (12/04/2017)
- 2017 salmon angling season gets underway in Wester Ross (21/02/2017)
- Skye & Wester Ross Fisheries Trust Newsletter January 2017 (13/01/2017)
- Axing the Highland Council’s Countryside Ranger Service is a false economy! (13/12/2016)
- Ecosystem fertility and (wild)life production in Wester Ross (01/11/2016)
- Skye and Wester Ross Fisheries Trust Open Day (25/08/2016)
- WRFT Review May 2016 Published (19/05/2016)
- Meeting Postponed: Skye & Wester Ross Fisheries Trust Open Day (12/05/2016)
- Refertilising Wester Ross 7th, 8th & 9th April, 2016 (09/03/2016)
- Wester Ross Earthworm & New Zealand Flatworm identification and ecology workshop (02/03/2016)
- WRFT Response to draft Wester Ross MPA Conservation Order 2016 (22/01/2016)
- On-farm sea louse infestation in Loch Torridon has mixed consequences for wild sea trout (05/01/2016)
- One day seminar: Refertilising Wester Ross (17/12/2015)
- Some observations of sea trout in spawning burns within the Loch Maree catchment area (17/12/2015)
- Response to draft Marine Conservation Order consultation (28/07/2015)
- Shrew found in stomach of small trout (10/07/2015)
- Scottish Government proposes to exclude scallop dredgers from the whole of the Wester Ross MPA (12/06/2015)
- Please help to protect freshwater mussels in Wester Ross (21/04/2015)
- Response to Wester Ross MPA management consultation (28/01/2015)
- WRFT Review January 2015 published (21/01/2015)
- A generally better summer for wild sea trout around Wester Ross (20/08/2014)
- Wester Ross Marine Protected Area: towards progressive management (20/08/2014)
- Wester Ross Marine Protected Area designated (24/07/2014)
- Sea trout, breeding terns and mink review evening (29/06/2014)
- Wester Ross Fisheries Trust open day (17/06/2014)
- Sea trout sampling underway (17/06/2014)
- Tournaig smolt run starts on schedule (16/04/2014)
- Volunteers vital in continued mainland mink removal (05/03/2014)
- Sea lice problems for sea trout reviewed at Aultbea workshop (25/02/2014)
- OSCR Complaint (28/01/2014)
- Sea trout and sea louse management workshop (27/01/2014)
- Breeding seabirds threatened by invasive mink on nesting islands around Wester Ross (21/11/2013)
- Response to Marine Protected Area consultation submitted (21/11/2013)
- Search for sea trout and ferox in spawning burns around Loch Maree (21/11/2013)
- Of big fry and small fry . . . (03/09/2013)
- Lice levels high on sea trout sampled in the 'Two Brooms' area (05/08/2013)
- WRFT Review July 2013 published (05/08/2013)
- Wester Ross Marine Wildlife Poster: draft for comment (14/05/2013)
- River Carron Restoration Research Project newsletter Published (05/04/2013)
- On the occurrence of larger sea trout in Wester Ross (04/03/2013)
- 'Norwegian' genes found in wild salmon populations in Wester Ross (04/03/2013)
- Wester Ross sea lochs included within proposed Marine Protected Area (14/12/2012)
- WRFT FMP Progress Review Published (11/12/2012)
- Pete Minting replaces Jonah Tosney at WRFT and UHI (06/12/2012)
- Minnows found in Loch Clair (River Ewe system) for first time (22/11/2012)
- Arctic Charr population rediscovered in Loch a' Bhaid-luachraich (Goose Loch) (09/11/2012)
- Adult salmon that enter the upstream trap at Tournaig are mostly female (03/10/2012)
- Are mink numbers increasing in Wester Ross? (01/10/2012)
- Male sea trout captured for 5th time in Loch Gairloch (28/09/2012)
- Dead trout found in dried-up spawning stream (30/07/2012)
- Great White Shark tooth (?) found to west of Gairloch, Wester Ross (20/07/2012)
- Low water conditions and sunshine prevail in Wester Ross (06/07/2012)
- WRFT Review July 2012 published (05/07/2012)
- Local Community Third Party Bid for a Marine Protected Area for Gairloch and Loch Ewe areas submitted (31/05/2012)
- Sea trout recaptured for fourth time in Loch Gairloch (17/04/2012)
- Can a network of Marine Protected Areas help wild salmon and sea trout in the seas around Wester Ross? (06/02/2012)
- 2011, a record year for multi-sea winter salmon. Why? (02/02/2012)
- Newsletter 27 published (02/02/2012)
- New on-line Angling Diary launched (02/02/2012)
- Dimorphic charr population(s) recorded in the lochs of the River Carron system (17/11/2011)
- Large ferox trout found in a spawning stream in the River Ewe system (16/11/2011)
- Sea trout monitoring around Wester Ross in 2011: initial findings (16/11/2011)
- 2011 WRFT juvenile salmon survey: a mixed picture (16/11/2011)
- Improved catches of early-running MSW salmon in Wester Ross (05/08/2011)
- Unusually wet May and early June improves health of sea trout at sea (14/06/2011)
- Tweed Foundation reclaims RAFTS Challenge Trophy in Wester Ross (28/05/2011)
- WRFT Review May 2011 published (24/05/2011)
- Forthcoming fish and fisheries trust events in Wester Ross (02/05/2011)
- Brown Trout containing partly digested Minnow caught in Sguod system (02/05/2011)
- Smolt migration delayed for second year by drought (02/05/2011)
- Sea trout scale reading workshop (18/02/2011)
- RAFTS Challenge 2011, 27-28 May, Wester Ross (04/02/2011)
- Little Gruinard River Fisheries Management Plan 2011+ (03/02/2011)
- Award for WRFT's Educational Projects (29/12/2010)
- Newsletter 26 Published (16/12/2010)
- Loch Gairloch marine protected area? meeting, 15th December 2010 (16/12/2010)
- Grilse recovery follows summer of sandeels (15/11/2010)
- A salmon swims through it (27/09/2010)
- Opportunities in August for hands-on learning about trout, salmon and other aquatic life (02/08/2010)
- Mekong dams threaten some of the world's largest freshwater fish species (29/07/2010)
- Freshwater mussel survey training course for Trust biologists (18/06/2010)
- Sea trout sampling underway (18/06/2010)
- Wester Ross wins in Wessex (09/06/2010)
- Solving fisheries problems in Wester Ross: to stock or not to stock? (04/06/2010)
- Low water delays downstream migration of smolts, over-wintered sea trout and kelts (04/06/2010)
- Alien seaweed found in Wester Ross (19/05/2010)
- WRFT Review May 2010 Published (17/05/2010)
- Workshop: Trout and Salmon Stocking in Wester Ross: is this the solution to our problems? (28/04/2010)
- WRFT Annual Meeting, 27th May 2010, Poolewe Village Hall (28/04/2010)
- Have you seen a March brown in Wester Ross? (04/03/2010)
- Wester Ross and Lochalsh Bio-security Plan Consultation (04/03/2010)
- Overwintering sea trout recorded in Loch Gairloch (03/02/2010)
- Rediscovering wild herring in the seas around Wester Ross (26/01/2010)
- 'Lever and Mulch' trainees uproot rhododendrons at Inverewe (22/01/2010)
- WRFT update from Gairloch: New Year 2010 (05/01/2010)
- Invasive Non-Native Species are spreading in parts of Wester Ross (04/12/2009)
- North West Highlands Mink Control Project: Update, December 2009 (02/12/2009)
- Salmon eggs incubating for Bruachaig restoration project (27/11/2009)
- BBC Natural World 'Highland Haven' to be broadcast on 3rd December (18/11/2009)
- Salmon spawning imminent (17/11/2009)
- Newsletter 25 (16/11/2009)
- A Revolutionary new method for 'Rhoddy bashing' (19/10/2009)
- Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve (NNR) Plan Consultation (02/10/2009)
- A plan to sort out problem ponticums and other non-native trouble-makers: 2nd draft (02/10/2009)
- How many juvenile salmon can a bouldery riffle support? (02/10/2009)
- Juvenile fish survey 2009: summary (02/10/2009)
- 'The fish just keep coming . . .' (11/09/2009)
- Minnow found in the Little Gruinard River system for first time (28/08/2009)
- Job Vacancy: TWG Regional Development Officer required (28/07/2009)
- Sea trout gorge on sandeels around Wester Ross (10/07/2009)
- Salmon recolonise headwaters of rivers near Glenelg (10/07/2009)
- Wessex wins RAFTS Challenge in Wester Ross (13/06/2009)
- Spring salmon taken in Wester Ross rivers (21/05/2009)
- WRFT Annual Review May 2009 Published (19/05/2009)
- Salmon and sea trout smolts head for the sea (24/04/2009)
- Invitation to Biosecurity Day, Saturday 16th May, NTS Inverewe Gardens (24/04/2009)
- Ecology and management of parasitic sea lice reviewed at Gairloch seminar (24/04/2009)
- Agendas for forthcoming WRFT Sea lice & Sea trout meetings (31/03/2009)
- Ray's bream found washed up in Badachro harbour (13/03/2009)
- WRFT Stillwater Sampling Workshop & RAFTS Challenge, June 12th - 13th 2009 (06/03/2009)
- Marine Seminar & Workshop: 29th May '09, Poolewe (23/02/2009)
- Sea lice review meeting: 16th April '09, Gairloch (23/02/2009)
- WRFT-FWAG workshop outlines opportunities for SRDP supported habitat restoration projects (04/02/2009)
- SRDP Riparian Habitat Improvement Workshop 26th January (13/01/2009)
- Charr conservation and management workshop report (09/01/2009)
- WRFT Fisheries Management Plan 2009+ published (17/12/2008)
- Egg case of Common skate found by Gruinard Bay (15/12/2008)
- Eggs incubating for Bruachaig salmon restoration programme (11/12/2008)
- Dundonnell salmon returns to spawn for third time (11/12/2008)
- Filming salmon for BBC Natural World (11/12/2008)
- Maree charr spawning sites remain elusive (02/12/2008)
- WRFT trustee changes and Newsletter 24 (20/11/2008)
- Rare oceanic fish turns up in Badachro harbour (11/11/2008)
- TWG Sea lice monitoring report for WRFT area in 2008 on-line (22/10/2008)
- Huge salmon caught in the River Ewe (15/10/2008)
- Late grilse run at Tournaig . . . (10/10/2008)
- Have you seen a mink (or a water vole) in Wester Ross? (01/10/2008)
- Dundonnell River (Little Loch Broom) fyke net sea trout sea lice monitoring results (10/09/2008)
- Trap record salmon [PS: a fish farm escapee?] caught at Tournaig (01/09/2008)
- Are these the smallest salmon fry in Wester Ross? (01/09/2008)
- Spot the odd one out... (01/09/2008)
- Midge attack fails to disrupt WRFT fieldworkers (19/08/2008)
- Juvenile cod caught in sweep net sample (08/08/2008)
- Stocking fish without permission is an offence from Aug 1st (21/07/2008)
- Bottlenose dolphins visit WRFT office (18/07/2008)
- Volunteers assist with sample collection for Loch Maree Wild Trout project (18/07/2008)
- Sea trout sampling continues around Wester Ross (18/07/2008)
- WRFT team wins inaugural RAFTS Challenge Trophy (18/06/2008)
- Sea trout sea lice monitoring underway around Wester Ross (18/06/2008)
- Prolific plankton bloom in the seas around Wester Ross (02/06/2008)
- Drought conditions damage fish populations and other wildlife in Wester Ross (02/06/2008)
- WRFT Review May 2008 published (02/06/2008)